Pisałem 15 września, o tym że Tracy McGrady trenuje z Knicks i Spurs. Pisałem wtedy, że aby utrzymać się w NBA Tracy będzie musiał odrzucić dumę i zgodzić się na niegwarantowaną umowę i przyjąć zaproszenie bez żadnych gwarancji od któregoś z klubów. Tak się nie stało. T-Mac jedzie do Chin. Będzie grał dla Qingdao Eagles. Ma 33 lata, za sobą 15 sezonów w lidze i całą masę poważnych kontuzji pleców i kolan. W Azji jest bardzo popularny w dużej mierze dzięki wspólnej grze z Yao Mingiem w Houston. Jeśli dobrze pójdzie może pograć w Chinach jeszcze kilka sezonów i zarobić całkiem konkretne pieniądze. Do NBA nie wróci już na 99.9% dlatego napisał do swoich fanów coś na kształt pożegnalnego listu:
"There are times in life that a new road presents itself and it appears this time has come for me now. I am so proud of what I have accomplished these past 15 years playing in the NBA. It was a dream entering the league as I just turned 18 years old. I worked hard and poured my heart and soul into this game. I consider myself a student of the game as I have watched, studied and played with and against the best players in the world. The NBA was my University and I learned so much. The gratitude I feel is really immeasurable. I have experienced the best moments a player can experience and have had some dark ones too. Both equally important in helping shape me into the man I am today.
As I leave the league for now, there have been so many profound people who inspired me along my way. I have to say thank you for guiding me and having an enormous influence on the way I played basketball. Isaiah Thomas, Rich Devos, Leslie Alexander and John Gabriel,
As I enter this next chapter, I am excited to play for Qingdao Eagles in China. I have been to China several times in the last few years and I love the people and the country. It will be an honor to play for them. Thank you to every fan that has followed me and believed in me. Injuries and all, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I am proud of the mark I left on this game and am grateful to have been a part this league. It was a dream to play in front of all of you, each night, in every stadium. Thank you.
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